
August 30, 2012

Newborn 2012

Konferencë për shtyp e Nishanliut të Tiranës
në Prishtinë


  1. Po keshtu eshte, Nishanin e trajton Berisha si LITTLE DOG!!

  2. U bote ene ju si Klani, me klan Kosova?!!!!!

  3. Osht mersit opozita se i ka ftu per Kosove me sms, Nishani. prit se as sms nuk k aper t'ju cu!

  4. Mafia Ministry: Bujar Nishani 2007

    PAMECA said in a news release in July that the Interior Ministry needed to be more transparent on how and why officers were being hired, fired and promoted.

    PAMECA provides strategic advice and specialized technical training to the Albanian police over crime prevention, organized crime, terrorism and border management.

    “The moving of officers through the system should be made in a transparent and justified manner,” PAMECA said. “There have been a lot of transfers and firings of officers lately, which has struck key sectors of the state police, which are essential for the integration of the country with European institutions.”

    The restructuring has led to the loss of officers that donors had spent considerable amounts of money on training, the European police advisors said.

    Interior Minister Bujar Nishani in June defended changes to the organization of several police divisions, which he said “would make the force more productive in the fight against organized crime and trafficking”.



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